Data Request Management Made Easy with ComplyDog

Learn how ComplyDog makes it easy for B2B SaaS companies like Requestly to manage their data requests.

14 day free trial. No credit card required.

Trusted by B2B SaaS businesses

Blink High Attendance Requestly Encharge Wonderchat

"At RequestlyIO, our users' data privacy is a top priority, and ComplyDog makes managing data subject requests a breeze. Highly recommend for seamless GDPR compliance!"


Sagar Soni

Co-Founder at Requestly

Sagar Soni


At Requestly, ensuring data privacy for their large user base was a top priority. With over 200,000 users and a significant number of data subject requests to handle, they needed a streamlined solution to achieve GDPR compliance without overwhelming their team.


Requestly turned to ComplyDog, a leading GDPR compliance management tool. ComplyDog provided a comprehensive solution to address their data subject requests effectively and efficiently.


Effortless GDPR Compliance

ComplyDog streamlined the process of handling data subject requests.

Time Savings

Requestly saves valuable time by automating aspects of the compliance process, allowing their team to focus on other critical tasks.

Enhanced User Trust

By demonstrating a commitment to data privacy, Requestly strengthened the trust of their user base and improved their brand reputation.

Why ComplyDog?

ComplyDog's features that made it the perfect choice for Requestly:

User-Friendly Interface

The intuitive interface made it easy for Requestly's team to create a hub to manage data subject requests and GDPR compliance.


ComplyDog seamlessly scaled to accommodate Requestly's large user base and growing compliance needs.

GDPR Affordable

ComplyDog is much more affordable than comparable solutions, especially for lean startups


With ComplyDog's help, Requestly successfully navigated the complexities of GDPR compliance, ensuring the protection of user data and maintaining trust in their platform.

If you are looking for a GDPR compliance solution like Requestly, start your free trial of ComplyDog to simplify your compliance journey.

14 day free trial. No credit card required.

Trusted by B2B SaaS businesses

Blink High Attendance Requestly Encharge Wonderchat

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