Free Website Cookie Checker

Want to know if your website has a cookies and is compliant with GDPR? Use ComplyDog's free cookie checker tool to get a detailed report instantly.

✔️ Completely Free ✔️ Instant report ✔️ No email required

Trusted by B2B SaaS businesses

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JavaScript method

The code below will load only after a website visitor consents to cookies. Replace the lines of code that say REPLACEME with your own non-strictly-necessary scripts (e.g, Intercom, HubSpot, analytics tools) and paste the entire code block into the <HEAD> of every page on your website.


Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more info? Here are some things we're commonly asked

Why should I check my site for cookies?

Cookies can collect personal data from visitors to your site that could be used to identify them. According to GDPR, websites are required to collect personal data after seeking explicit consent from users. To check your website’s compliance to the use of cookies, you should identify all cookies that are used on your website and then take necessary steps towards compliance. This is where ComplyDog helps you get compliant.

What is a cookie check tool?

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How does it work?

To check cookies on a website, you can scan the site’s URL on the free cookie checker by CookieYes. In your scan result, you will get a cookie list with cookies categorized as: Necessary, Functional, Analytics, Performance and Advertisement.

What if I haven't got a cookie consent banner?

Adding a cookie consent banner to your website is a crucial step in complying with the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive regulations, and it's incredibly easy with a software like ComplyDog. Visit cookie banner generator and follow step-by-step guide to add a Cookie Consent Banner to your website at no cost:

Your software business needs more than a free cookie tool

Complydog makes GDPR compliance easy for B2B software companies. Start your 14-day free trial today. No credit card required.