About ComplyDog

ComplyDog simplifies GDPR compliance for software businesses. Our product helps you efficiently handle data protection needs so you can focus on growing your business.

With ComplyDog, you can:

  • Quickly answer common GDPR questions from prospects and customers through a self-service compliance portal.
  • Showcase security and data protection practices.
  • Automate data processing agreement signatures.
  • Streamline subject access requests.

I created ComplyDog to help businesses like mine navigate GDPR with less frustration. When I launched my first SaaS, GDPR was overwhelming and time-consuming, many times delaying sales cycles. Complying with subject access requests was manual and tedious.

There had to be an easier way. So I built software to solve the GDPR problems I faced as an early-stage founder. Now ComplyDog saves SaaS businesses time and money on compliance, freeing them to deliver more value to customers.

Let ComplyDog take GDPR off your plate so you can focus on your business growth. Sign up for a free trial.


Kevin Yun Kevin Yun, Founder

Choose the easy way to become GDPR compliant

Start your 14-day free trial of ComplyDog today. No credit card required.

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Navigating your way through GDPR compliance? Check out these popular resources

GDPR and the Consequences of Non-Compliance: What B2B SaaS Companies Need to Know

GDPR and the Consequences of Non-Compliance: What B2B SaaS Companies Need to Know

Non-compliance with GDPR can have severe repercussions for B2B SaaS companies, including hefty fines, disciplinary measures, and even criminal charges. This article explores the major consequences of failing to adhere to data protection regulations and offers a streamlined solution with ComplyDog.com, ensuring your business stays compliant and avoids costly penalties.

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New to ComplyDog? Your Guide to Getting Started

New to ComplyDog? Your Guide to Getting Started

Congratulations on taking the first step towards simplified compliance management by signing up for ComplyDog. Whether you're a small startup or a growing enterprise, our platform is designed to streamline your compliance processes efficiently.

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