GDPR Cookie Consent (Banner): An Essential Guide, Checklist, and Examples

Posted by Kevin Yun | May 2, 2023

When you're a B2B SaaS business, protecting your users' data is a big deal. It's more than just being a law-abiding business; it's also about keeping a promise to your users to protect their data. Failing to keep your promise can lead to severe penalties, damaged reputation, and loss of user confidence.

One key piece of this puzzle is the GDPR Cookie Consent Banner.

But what is a GDPR Cookie Consent Banner, and why does it matter for your business? How can you make one that follows the rules but still looks good on your website?

Welcome to our user-friendly guide made just for B2B SaaS businesses. We'll break down everything you need to know about GDPR Cookie Consent Banners, give you a handy checklist for creating your own, and even show you some examples to get your creative juices flowing.

Whether you're just getting your head around GDPR or you're looking to brush up on your knowledge, this guide is here to help.

Let's dive in!

A Cookie Consent Banner is a notification that appears on websites to inform users about the use of cookies when they first visit your website or landing page. Cookies, as delicious as they may sound, are actually small text files stored on a user's device that track and store information about their activities.

In a nutshell, the goal of the banner is to obtain user consent for collecting this data in compliance with various privacy laws like the GDPR. It generally includes information about what data is being collected, why it's being collected, and how it's used. The user can then decide whether to allow the site to use cookies, which gives them a level of control over their personal data.

CalendarHunter cookie consent banner

Image source: CalendarHunter

If your business is in Europe or collects data from European citizens, it must follow the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive. The GDPR is a strict law that protects user data and applies to any organization that handles the data of EU residents. If you don't comply, you could face fines of over €20 million. The ePrivacy Directive complements the GDPR and protects electronic communications and online tracking.

To comply with the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive rules for cookies, you must:

  • Get user consent for all cookies (except strictly necessary cookies).
  • Give clear info about each cookie's data tracking and purpose in plain language.
  • Keep a record of user consent.
  • Allow access to your service even if users refuse certain cookies.
  • Make it easy for users to withdraw their consent.

The cookie consent message should provide clear and concise information to users about the use of cookies on the website. It should include the following:

  • Explanation of what cookies are and how they are used on the website.
  • Purpose of collecting user data through cookies.
  • Types of cookies used on the website.
  • How long the cookies will be stored on the user's device.
  • Option to accept or reject cookies.
  • Option to manage cookie preferences at a later stage.
  • Link to the website's cookie policy, which includes detailed information about how to manage cookies and user rights.

The language used in the cookie consent message should be easy to understand and user-friendly without using complex jargon or technical terms. The goal is to provide users with the information they need to make an informed decision about their personal data while using the website.

Here's a quick cookie consent banner checklist to help ensure your banner meets GDPR and ePrivacy Directive requirements:

  • Use clear and concise language to explain the use of cookies on the website.
  • Provide specific information about the types of cookies used and their purpose.
  • Include a link to the website's cookie policy for more detailed information.
  • Offer an option for users to accept or reject cookies.
  • Provide granular consent options for users to accept or reject cookies based on their specific purpose.
  • Make it easy for users to change their cookie preferences later on.
  • Keep a record of user consent for documentation purposes.
  • Ensure the banner is user-friendly and easy to navigate without causing interference with website functionality.
  • Make sure the banner is prominently displayed and visible to users.
  • Test the banner to ensure it is functioning correctly and meeting all regulatory requirements.

This checklist will help you make a cookie consent banner that follows the rules of the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive. It will also show that you care about your user's privacy and help them trust your business more.

Now that we have that out of the way, it's time to look at some GDPR cookie consent banner examples.

In this section, we'll showcase 10 GDPR cookie consent examples from B2B SaaS companies. These examples are specifically tailored to the needs of B2B SaaS businesses and illustrate how your B2B SaaS business can create cookie consent banners that comply with GDPR regulations while also meeting the unique needs of your industry.

Let's get started!

#1 ServiceNow

ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the ServiceNow homepage. Used under fair use.

The first cookie banner example is from ServiceNow, a cloud computing company that provides enterprise-level software solutions for businesses.

Its footer cookie consent banner appears to cover the essential components that are an industry standard. It explains to users in a clear and concise language the use of cookies and their purpose on the website. The banner also gives users the option to learn more about the cookies the company is using and change their preferences through the website's Cookie Policy and Cookie Preference Manager.

The language used is user-friendly and easy to understand, without technical jargon, which makes it easier for users to give informed consent. The banner also provides an option to accept or reject cookies so that users have control over their personal data.

#2 DocuSign

DocuSign ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the DocuSign homepage. Used under fair use.

The second example we'll analyze comes from DocuSign, a software company that provides electronic signature technology and digital transaction management services. Their cookie consent banner appears to be concise and straightforward, focusing on providing the necessary information for users to make informed decisions. Users are informed cookies will be stored on their devices to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in marketing efforts.

The banner features a clear option for users to accept all cookies on the website by clicking "Accept All Cookies." Additionally, they can opt to visit the Privacy Preference Center, where they can manage their consent preferences.

#3 Freshworks

Freshworks ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the FreshWorks homepage. Used under fair use.

Freshworks is another company that does a great job of informing users about the purposes of using cookies. It uses clear and concise language, telling users they'll be using the data to track visitors, measure ads, and analyze site traffic. They also mention the website may share information about user behavior with third parties.

The banner allows users to manage their cookie preferences through the "Cookie Preference Manager," where they can choose only specific categories of cookies. The banner also informs users that if they do not choose any option, it will be treated as if they have accepted all cookies.

#4 Gusto

Gusto ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the Gusto homepage. Used under fair use.

Gusto's cookie consent banner is minimalistic and on-point but also designed to align with the website's overall design. It informs users by using clear and concise language that the use of cookies on the website enhances site navigation, analyzes site usage, and assists in the company's marketing efforts. The banner also allows users to accept all cookies by clicking "Accept all cookies."

The banner also includes a link to the website's Cookie Settings so that users can manage their cookie preferences.

#5 Attentive

Attentive ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the Attentive homepage. Used under fair use.

In this next cookie banner example, we're looking at the cookie consent banner message by Attentive, an SMS marketing platform. The message is comprehensive and does a great job of explaining the use of cookies on the website. The banner mentions some of the purposes of using cookies, including delivering relevant advertising, performing site analytics, and providing the best possible user experience.

The banner provides users with options to either accept or reject cookies and includes a link to the website's Cookie Notice and Privacy Policy for more information.

#6 Deel

Deel ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the Deel homepage. Used under fair use.

Deel, a platform for remote hiring and global compliance management, is next on the list. Similar to other banners we analyzed above, its cookie consent banner also mentions the purposes of using cookies on the website, including personalizing content and ads, providing social media features, and analyzing traffic.

The banner informs users that the website may share information about their use of the site with social media, advertising, and analytics partners. The banner also provides users with an option to allow necessary cookies only or to allow all cookies.

#7 Webflow

Webflow ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the Webflow homepage. Used under fair use.

Webflow's footer cookie consent banner effectively communicates the website's use of cookies in a clear and simple language. It highlights that cookies are used to enhance the user experience on the website. The banner also provides a link to the website's Cookie Policy for users to understand the specifics of how their data is used. Users are informed that they can manage their cookie preferences at any time.

Overall, the banner is concise and straightforward, providing users with the necessary information to make an informed decision about their privacy preferences.

#8 Lusha

Lusha ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of the Lusha homepage. Used under fair use.

The sales intelligence solution Lusha uses a bottom-left cookie policy popup that can be expanded to enable cookie categories. The message appears to be concise and straightforward, informing users about the use of cookies on the website. Users can accept all cookies on the website by clicking "Accept All Cookies," or visit the Privacy Preference Center to manage their consent preferences.

#9 Innovatrics

Innovatrics ServiceNow cookie consent banner

Screenshot of Innovatrics, Remote Identity Verification Platform page. Used under fair use.

Innovatrics, a technology company that provides biometric software solutions, has also opted to feature a footer cookie consent banner to inform users of the collection of their data. The message is very comprehensive and explains to users the purposes behind the use of cookies on the website.

The banner informs users that the website may share information about their use of the site with social media, advertising, and analytics partners. Users can choose to accept all cookies or manage their cookie preferences directly from the banner.

#10 Creatio

Screenshot of the Creatio homepage. Used under fair use.

The final example on our list is Creatio, a low-code platform that provides customer relationship management (CRM) and business process management (BPM) software solutions.

The popup banner appears as soon as you land on the website, informing you right away about the collection of your data. The banner also provides users with the option to accept or reject individual cookie types and tells them they can revoke their consent at any time.

The banner includes a link to the Privacy Policy where users can read how their data is collected, used, and protected. Additionally, the banner includes a "Settings" button that allows users to manage their cookie preferences.

We hope you found these ten examples helpful for making your own GDPR cookie consent banner. Now, let's show you how to put a cookie consent banner on your website.

Adding a cookie consent banner to your website is a crucial step in complying with the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive regulations, and it's incredibly easy with a software like ComplyDog. Visit cookie banner generator and follow step-by-step guide to add a Cookie Consent Banner to your website at no cost:

Step 1: Customize

Choose a theme from the options available, or customize everything from the text to the brand colors in the cookie widget and popup to match your website's look and feel.

Cookie consent banner ComplyDog

Image source: ComplyDog

Step 2: Install the cookie widget

Copy the code provided by ComplyDog and paste it into the <HEAD> section of every page on your website.

Cookie consent banner ComplyDog

Image source: ComplyDog

Step 3: Load scripts upon consent

To ensure scripts are loaded only after a visitor consents to cookies, update your existing <script> tags on your website. Alternatively, you can use JavaScript to load scripts upon consent.

There you have it! Just by following these three uncomplicated steps, you can effectively integrate a cookie consent banner into your website that aligns with both the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive.

Cookie consent banner ComplyDog

Image source: ComplyDog


If you run a B2B SaaS company, you need to have a cookie consent banner that complies with GDPR. This banner tells your users that you use cookies to improve their experience on your website. It also provides an easy way for them to manage their preferences and link to a detailed cookie policy.

To help you design an effective banner, we've created this guide with key message elements and a checklist. Plus, we've included ten examples from other B2B SaaS companies to show you how it's done.

By following our guide and checklist, you can create a cookie consent banner that respects your users' privacy and meets GDPR compliance requirements. This will help build trust with your users and keep you on the right side of the law.

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